The Bevin Administration announced today that more than half a million Kentuckians covered by Medicaid will have their dental, vision, and non-emergency medical transportation benefits restored, retroactive to July 1. This decision is a reminder that the voices of Kentuckians matter. Read the comments we collected from nearly 600 Kentuckians who spoke up.
While this announcement comes as a sigh of relief for more than half a million Kentuckians who lost benefits without notice, the threat to Medicaid coverage is not over. Late today, CMS opened a new Federal comment period in an attempt to re-approve the very same requirements and penalties proposed in the Governor’s 1115 Medicaid waiver that was recently blocked in federal court. Kentucky Voices for Health will again be collecting comments with the hope that state and federal administrators will listen closely to the needs and concerns of Kentuckians and work collaboratively with stakeholders to design a waiver that will truly move Kentucky’s health, economy and quality of life forward.