By now you’ve heard that the latest ACA repeal bill died before getting to the floor for a vote. Once again, hundreds of thousands of Kentuckians will stay covered because of your tireless advocacy.
Efforts to undermine and repeal the ACA aren’t over though. New repeal bills and massive budgets cuts are already on the horizon. And the individual market will only become more unstable if the Trump Administration does not commit to funding outreach and enrollment or the cost-sharing reduction payments that make coverage more affordable for low and moderate income Kentuckians.
We must urge Congress to focus their energy on bipartisan efforts to improve health care to ensure market stabilization that creates lower costs for Kentuckians, while maintaining the guarantee of essential health benefits and coverage for pre-existing conditions.
Thank members of Congress who voiced their opposition to Graham-Cassidy and for those who didn’t, continue to reinforce your opposition to this bill and any future action on it.
Urge bipartisan solutions to stabilize the individual market and keep Kentuckians covered by:
Permanently funding cost-sharing reductions.
Extending funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
Reinstating ACA programs that were designed to stabilize premiums.
Restoring funding for outreach and enrollment.