Registration is now open for Kentucky Voices for Health’s 2023 Annual Meeting! The meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 5th at the Griffin Gate Marriott in Lexington, KY. We are very excited to bring together members of our coalition from across the commonwealth (along with some very special guests) for a day of learning, networking, and resource sharing.
Tickets are $25 with your KVH membership, and $50 without KVH membership. If cost is a barrier to you attending, please contact us.
Health advocates, consumers, policymakers, community leaders, public employees, nonprofit organizations, frontline service providers, outreach workers, educators, researchers, faith leaders, and others who serve their communities.
We are so grateful to our sponsors who make this work possible!

Would your organization be interested in sponsoring next year’s annual meeting?
View more information HERE or email Kelly Taulbee to get started.