Call Senators McConnell & Paul Today to Stop the Latest ACA Repeal Bill in its Tracks
While some Senators are engaging in positive, bipartisan talks to stabilize the ACA marketplaces, proponents of Graham-Cassidy are trying to force a vote on repeal before the end of September (when current budget rules expire that allow the Senate to pass a repeal bill with just 50 votes, plus a tie-breaking vote from the Vice President). The Graham-Cassidy bill is just as bad as all of the previous repeal efforts, if not worse. It would, among other things:
Cause 15 million people to become uninsured by next year
Leave approximately 32 million people uninsured by 2027
Eliminate ACA’s expansion of Medicaid for low-income people
Eliminate ACA’s subsidies that help people afford premiums
Decimate Medicaid through “per capita caps” – leading to funding caps and billions of dollars in cutsAllow states to gut consumer protections – including protections for people with pre-existing conditions
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