Have you been uninsured in 2020? Tell us your stories.

UofL Institutional Review Boards
IRB NUMBER: 18.1037

Research sponsored by:

Kentucky Voices for Health homepage

Have you been uninsured in 2020?
Tell us your stories.

If you have been uninsured at any time during 2020, we invite you to share your experience.

Researchers from UofL want to speak with Kentuckians 18-64 years old who have been uninsured at some point during the year. Group discussions will last 60 to 90 minutes. Topics include being uninsured, getting health insurance, barriers to getting insured, what you know about Medicaid, and access to health care services during a time of crisis.

Each participant will get a $25 gift card for their time.

Your stories will help us understand the healthcare needs of Kentuckians. We will share your ideas (but not your name) with state leaders to inform the decisions about health care. Kentucky Voices for Health will also use your feedback to create better educational materials and advocate for easier enrollment and improved access to care.

Can you meet with us on Zoom any of these times?

Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 7:00pm
Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 2:00pm

Advanced registration is required.
To register for this research study or to ask questions, please call or text Susan at (502) 509-5621 or email susan.buchino@louisville.edu.