How do copays affect the decisions you or your family make about your healthcare and your budget? A dollar here or there, or three, might not seem like much, but I do not make a lot. Money is already tight – I need care to continue to be able to work and the stress of wondering if I can afford my therapy or doctor visit, or the medications that keep me healthy, does NOT help me stay healthy. I have already had to delay prescriptions due to not having the funds for the $1-$4 copay.

Is there anything else you’d like us to know? I was not aware of the co-pays at the beginning of the “program”, and I do not understand the logic behind the costs. It also feels ridiculous to receive bills weeks/months later for visits that I didn’t know I would have a copay for, and surely it can’t actually be helping Medicaid or the medical offices to have to track all of this.

Please tell us how some or all of these changes affect you, your family, or your community. I worry about whether I can afford my medications or a visit to my therapist. The stress does not help my anxiety whatsoever. The copays also make me nervous about making appointments in general. I am never quite sure if I can afford the visit I need.