How do copays affect the decisions you or your family make about your healthcare and your budget? Food or medicine? Which one do I choose? Because my kids eat before I do. Do I have to cancel a doctor’s appointment because I don’t have the gas because I had to use it on medicine? Last week, I was charged $5 for prescriptions and as a result, I was unable to buy bread and milk. I am quartering my blood pressure pills to stretch them because I cannot afford the copays and stretching my diabetes test strips by using one every 4 days instead of several per day.

Is there anything else you’d like us to know? It’s very difficult sometimes to come up with a dollar, let alone 4 or 5 or 10.

Please tell us how some or all of these changes affect you, your family, or your community. I cannot afford to pay copays on a fixed income for 4 people. Please see above.